Curtain Material

Hello Friends, 

I was asked by a few members from “cgarchitect” to post a tutorial on my curtain material I used in the “Studio House” scene. Here it is. I hope it will be of help to most of you.


I wanted to make a translucent curtain material and I was looking at the net for some tutorials when I came across “Pixela”‘s curtain material tutorial on Ronen Bekerman’s website. I looked at it, read it 4 times and finally decided to not use that tutorial, for that was not the look I wanted. But I did took one thing from it, it is the use of VRay 2Sided Material and the use of “Fall Off” maps.

Below are the images of my material nodes, please have a look at them. That’s all I can add in for this small tutorial. 


1.) The “Diffuse” part : I used a tint of yellow for that falloff look to match with the texture.



2.) The “Opacity” part : I used maps with the 50% of both the slots of Fall Off map. Also I put the shades of Gray in their color slots and controlled how the colors would interact through the falloff curve.


3.) The “VRay 2Sided Material” part : I used the “VRay Material” which had Opacity map on the front material of “VRay 2Sided Material” and a dark “Gray (RGB = 68)” as the translucency color.



This is all I did, there is nothing big and nothing small for this material, my friends, its all about the fall off and the translucency. 




Tanay Pathak

3 comments on “Curtain Material

  1. great

    could you upload the file ^_^

  2. angelo says:

    your tutorial seems going backward and confusing don’t mislead the freebie, it should starts first on vray2sided and on vray2sidedmtl tick the box on the right side and there choose the vray material so that they can pick the diffuse and the fallof

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